Cox, Geoff

Geoff Cox (UK)
CAiiA-STAR (Science Technology Art Research), School of Computing, University of Plymouth. Directeur van de tentoonstelling ‘Generator’ waarin kunstwerken in de traditionele zin van het woord en recent werk van artiesten-programmeurs worden bij elkaar gebracht.

He is currently working on another project Vivaria that asks the question 'why look at artificial animals?', and is a trustee of the UK Museum of Ordure (with Adrian Ward and Stuart Brisley). He has also recently co-organised (with Joasia Krysa) two conferences: 'globalica: artistic and conceptual tensions in the new world disorder' as part of the WRO biennial, Poland, and 'artist as engineer', as part of an Arts Council of England initiative around socially-engaged arts practice, at i-DAT in Plymouth.