looking for Vj7 place


We visited many places, waiting for a "yes" after several "maybe"...

Galerie Ravenstein 1000 Bruxelles
Manager of this place: Robelco
through: Precare
We had to pay this place (rent + service charges);
Refused after a month of "normally yes".

Post archives 1000 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: Poste
Through : Recyclart
This place is not suitable for VJ7

Recyclart, chapelle station 1000 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: SNCB.
Through : Recyclart
not available

Studios rue de l'église 1060 Bruxelles
through: Paul Casaer
not available

19, rue Gretry 1000 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: Ville de Bruxelles
through : Precare
Verbal deal, file on the échevin's desk.
Nothing signed.

21, rue gretry 1000 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: Ville de Bruxelles
through : Precare
Verbal deal, file on the échevin's desk.
Nothing signed.

ex-Sun beauty, rue des halles 1000 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: Ville de Bruxelles
through : Precare
Verbal deal, file on the échevin's desk.
Nothing signed.

29, rue blanche 1060 Bruxelles
Occupants of this place: "association 29 rue Blanche mouvements de femmes"
Too small for VJ7

Espace Candela
96, rue de victoire 10602 Bruxelles
owner: Bernard Tassier
Price: 745 euros per day
too expensive.

Meeting room café L'union, parvis de st gilles, 1060 Bruxelles
Owner of this place: Café l'Union
too small for VJ7

Maison du peuple, parvis de st gilles, 1060 Bruxelles.
Owner of this place: Saint Gilles district
OK. We had to clean this place, install electricity, and heating, it was free of charge for the rent (public building).

Art kiosk gallery, 9 rue J.volders 1060 Bruxelles.
We rent it for 3 weeks 600 euros charges included.
Owner of this place: Mme. Ramant-Peters

Posted by laurent at December 15, 2003 03:45 PM