Media mediate: over het concept van de performativiteit

22 November 2003
13 :30 – 18 :00
Een serie van voorstellen over het concept van de performativiteit gezien als mediatie, als intermediair tussen de technologie en de mens binnen de podiumkunsten, de software, taal, muziek, gender,...

Geoff Cox(UK)


CAiiA-STAR (Science Technology Art Research), School of Computing, University of Plymouth. Directeur van de expositie ‘generator’ waarin kunstwerken in de traditionele zin van het woord en recent werk van artiesten-programmeurs worden bij elkaar gebracht.
Alle werken waren ‘live’ in de betekenis van generatieve kunst/media

Rudi Laermans (B) doceert cultuursociologie aan de KULeuven, is actief als essayist-criticus en publiceert o.a. in Etcetera en diverse vakbladen.

Xavier Le Roy (F) danser en choreograaf, studeerde moleculaire en cellulaire biologie aan de Universiteit van Montpellier.


Arjen Mulder (NL) is essayist en mediatheoreticus en onder meer de auteur van Het fotografisch genoegen (Van Gennep, 2000) en Levende systemen: reis naar het einde van het informatietijdperk (De Balie, 2002)


Melanie Sehgal
Werd geboren in Londen en leeft in Berlijn. Ze studeert filosofiee en culturele wetenschappen, met een specifieke interesse voor de hedendaagse taal en mediatheorie. Ze werkt momenteel aan haar thesis over het concept van het virtuele binnen de geschiedenis van de filosofie.


Uli Oertl, agent of T.Turner:
songwriter, dj, organizer; aka rolling thunder, aka king
of fishes, aka dj enran

u oertl

t turner

Quotes on Performativity
Geoff Cox (Uk):
“Our argument is that, like poetry, the aesthetic value of code lies in its execution, not simply its written form. However, to appreciate generative code fully we need to 'sense' the code to fully grasp what it is we are experiencing and to build an understanding of the code's actions.
To separate the code and the resultant actions would simply limit the aesthetic experience, and ultimately limit the study of these forms - as a form of criticism - and what in this context might better be called a 'poetics' of generative code.”
Xavier Le Roy (F):
‘My body as raw material of social and cultural organization and as the practice of critical necessity.’
Rudi Laermans (B):
‘Mc Luhan once again: ‘The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born. For the parallel between two media holds us on the frontiers between forms that snaps us out the Narcissus-narcosis. The moment of the meeting of media is a moment of freedom and release form the ordinary trance and numbness imposed by them on our senses.’ (…) If it ( hybrid art) works, it does not lead to a synthesis but to an interaction in which the combined media confirm their independence without clashing This breaks down the individual narcotic effect of each independent medium. The one medium prevents the other from assailing and intoxicating the viewer s’body, and from being able to put it in a state of unconscious fascination.’
Arjen Mulder (Nl):
‘We want to experience ourselves as we are not. And differently everytime. The term ‘mass media’ is no longer applicable. (…)Emulation is the manner in which the posthistoric computer generation keeps its trances available in order to experience them all, to be able to keep becoming them all. All of them’
Melanie Sehgal (G):
‘Language = not representational but (un)effective medium, but the best way to put it is still Austins’ title "How to do things with words", this would be nice as a performativity is a lot about citation from Butler at least so maybe: Language: "how to do things with words".

Posted by laurence at October 28, 2003 10:13 AM