Poster une nouvelle
Read*Write*Execute* proposes: sent by constant le 17/10/2001 @ 10:51
*to reflect on the evolution of the ICT today and describe how it could affect the alternative media, indy journalism, the distribution of non traditional online content.This reflection should arise technological awareness and inspire new proposals for cultural networking.Themes like copyright/left, access, de/centralization, on-line censorship, digital surveillance, network politics, autonomous diffusion, internet history will be at stake.
*to encourage the reappropriation of the cell phone technology for alternative practices
*to learn the basics of networking:
as the need for digital infrastructure is urgent, we feel it is important not to stay at a critic/theoritical level towards contemporary technology but to get the hands dirty and give the means to ACT NOW.
*to work on concrete proposal for a cultural network:
Inspired by the examples of the free software community and the freenet(peer to peer), to design the basis for a larger scale network of cultural institutions, independant artists, musicians
find here sent by constant le 17/10/2001 @ 05:47
find here the first informations collected for the R*W*E*