The video piece is built around the football game, which has become
a globalised language, especially within the male vocabulary. The
game is used as a metaphor for sexual and gender power relationships,
where the woman is given the passive / receptive role of the net.The
scene takes place in an urban neighborhood waste lot used by boys
play the game. They play to the watching gazes of the girls, the
camera, and then again to the viewers of the piece. The work is
structured along this network of gazes in which the viewers are
also implicated.
The piece circulates around two narratives: one is situated within
anArabic context whereby the questions of Chastity/virginity of
a woman arestill very critical issues that concern the honour of
the family.The second narrative takes these relations of power beyond
Arabic culture to reflect on questions of "identity" and
the social positioning of the "woman" and the "feminine"
that are still deeply rooted in western social structures.
Drie simultane vertoningen.
Doorlopend voorbijkomende personages en reeksen lijnen, tussen hinkelbaan
en loopbanen uit de sport, een hypothetisch verkeersspel dat zich
in de reële ruimte voortzet. Men tracht er de zin, de snelheid,
het spoor van de voorbijganger in te ontwaren.
Des projections entremêlent les passages ininterrompus de
personnages et des suites de lignes au sol, qui évoquent
une marelle ou des couloirs sportifs. Un hypothétique jeu
de circulation s'établit entre les écrans, et se prolonge
dans l'espace réel: on tente de saisir le sens, la vitesse,
la trace d'un passage. On joue avec l'espace et le temps, avec l'idée
de réseau.