Honore Boe, Tore

>>>> ‘laptops’ acoustiques faits à la main
Un choix de boites en bois contenant différents petits objets: ressorts, pierres, ficelles, métal, élastique, aiguilles et autres souvenirs – amplifiés par de bons vieux micro-contacts et pick-ups.

I have been using found objects and broken devices in my music ever
since I started, but that has always been extremely temporary set ups,
changing from act to act. Now that I have glued these tiny objects into
the boxes, I feel I use proper instrumentation in my solo work (or
Origami Republika work for that matter). I have never used samplers or
midi - but cassettes, minidiscs and cdrs, never an 'electronic' laptop,
and I have usually denied myself playing the drums (which was my teenage
instrument). Now I can plunder more on the specific details, by
listening and relistening to the live recordings, then rehearse for more
structured 'compositions'.

The original idea to these 'laptops' came as a lot of my colleagues
started hassling me for not jumping on the 'lo-tech on the high-tech'
train when it became chic, so with a friendly smile I decided to make my
own laptops. The facts that they look quite good in their merz nostalgic
way, and that they are an ironic comment on current formatting should
not interfere too much with the pure sounds they produce.

Believe me, I have nothing against the traditional electronic laptop per
se, a tiny fraction of my favourite listening is made on them and some
of my best friends and colleagues use them with great integrity. And
when I edit the recordings of my self-made ones I do it on my mac g4 -
so sweet when the twine meet...

Posted by laurence at October 28, 2003 06:36 PM