1. texts:
1.a introduction
written by Laurence and me in dialog with you to target the right balance between specialized information and clarity for non-geeks.
this piece of text will introduce to:
Read*Write*Execute*: a definition
=> the politics of autonomous diffusion
=> mobile technology vs sedentarity
=> short message system(SMS) and the reapropriation of the low tech
=> decentralization vs recentralization
=> history of the web and the internet (brief overview of the cold war context)
=> network politics
=> copyright vs copyleft
=> source code vs executables
=> the war of licenses
=> remote computing and the politics of access
=> surveillance: the digital panopticon
=> Freenet and the fight for free speech
1.b The report made by Severine Dusollier for the Unesco
central themes:
=> copyright
=> surveillance
=> laws: evolution in the US and at the European level
=> access
=> analysis of the juridical protection of the technical protection:
the standpoint of S.Dusollier starts from the juridical expertise. She will give a detailed overview of the legislation and its consequences both for the user and for the industry.
University of Namur, Belgium and Berkeley USA
1.c The Regulation of Liberty or another text by R.Barbrook
central themes:
=> copyright / copyleft
=> surveillance
=> history of the internet
=> autonomous media
=> new economy ideology
=> cybercommunism
Richard Barbrook will match certain themes similar to the ones of Dusollier. Its position is different: his concerns are more based in the autonomous art scene, the free radio movements and a deep involvement in the internet activism over the years.
University of Westminster and CyberSalon, ICA London
1.d I think for the texts section we would need another person with a different approach ( a sociologist for instance) and from another location: it would be great that you help my research to get someone coming from anoher geographical context( South America.... or someone from Spain with a large geographical spectrum: Manuel Castells, ie) It would be important to have someoine that is abe to show that the problems we live in our countries are multiplied when they occur in other areas:I think of copyright , surveillance and the consequences of the digital divide.
1.e Draft or a proposal of a cultural network
I suggest that this draft and its surrounding questions would be the starting point to the discussions in the forum
the idea in this section is to mirror (make an approved copy) of existing documents:
these are emblematic documents:
- General Public License
- Freenet Project Philosophy pages
- protest documents relative to copyright:
Nous Sommes Tous Auteurs de la Société, by Copyleft Attitude...
=> texts links: links concerning the texts written for the magazine
=> guests links: links from the people coming for the workshop with the possibility for the visitor to submit her/his own
=> software links: technical resources for people attending the workshop or willing to technically educate themselves
=> hard core links: the huge list of links that Teo has begun with all the resources. It has to be fully searchable, with a small description of the pages and the last modif date, and author name if available.
I suggest that we use the possibility of sound to put interviews on the website:
this collection of interview will cover:
**journalists and activists like:
=> Duncan Campbell (UK), Journalist, IPTV Ltd.
=> Simon Davies (UK), Computer Security Research Centre, London School of Economics
=> Shahidul Alam (Bangladesh), Online publisher, Media Activist and Photo-journalist
**artists and media workers like:
=> D. Garcia Andujar (ES)
=> Heath Bunting (E)
=> Simon Pope(UK)
=> Jens-Ingo Brodesser(D)
=> Amy Alexander(US)
=> Isabelle Massu (FR)
the basis of the discussion in the forum I think should be the draft for another network and the questions of cultural politics. The discussion we short had by email about subverting already functionning structures or working on alternative to these structures should be one of them. The forum part will be in Spanish. It means we need a Spanish moderator. I think we shouldn t go too long in the forum part. If we have a participating project (SMS) + the magazine + a workshop, I think only a few people will engage themselves in a forum. So I would prefer a short time of forum discussion and a subject carefully delimitated.// I need your opinion on this
5.SMS Project
in the magazine a descritpion of the SMS project and an intro-overview about the compact form of languages generated by technology.
the project will be released by messages in cell phones. A period of two months before it begins a part of the website will be already open to the public to submit slogans. We need for that a database where people can send after approval(of course selection at minima: just to avoid test messages and insults)their slogans. It would be interesting that the slogans can be commented on the site and that the people submitting the slogan can attach a short descritpion of the slogan and its context
We ll use the msnsms website to send the whole address book: it works on an impressive number of countries( we need to test if it reaches South America...)
the range of the slogans and the rythm of diffusion still need to be defined
After a small research on the internet I have found these websites about slogans. I think we don t have to rely only on user submission bu to edit a flood of existing commercial or politic ones with artistic ones could be interesting as well
*How To Protest with Authentic '60s Slogans
*Slogans to Protest Against the UN
*[free-sklyarov] Sign slogans for Monday's protest
(it is just a mail in a mailing list but graphically could be interesting for the cell phone)
*Alcoholic Anonymous Slogans : AA Savings
*Campaign Slogans for Student Council Elections
(tips to make your own slogans)
*Advertising Slogans
*Japanese English Advertising Slogans
*On Slogans
(a strange result from Google, I don t resist to give ou the link and see the site)
6.Workshop Presentation
description of the workshop, practical details and afterwards infos about the participants and follow up of the realizations.
bios of the participants, writers, helpers, guests...
8. Credits and Sponsors
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Dernière modification le : 02/11/2001 @ 09:16
Catégorie : draft